Island Baby Concierge is the sister company to Baby Gear Hire and is the island’s premier concierge service catering exclusively to families holidaying in Barbados. We strive to create exciting new experiences for your children and you to make your holiday more memorable.
Barbados offers parents and children a family experience unlike no other island with a wide range of vacation activities year round. We create itineraries to suit the littlest member of your family –from play dates at your holiday accommodation to adventuring around the island for a picnic lunch at a beach or for an educational experience at a child friendly attraction. Island Baby Concierge looks forward to showing you Barbados through the eyes of your child.
Raquel is the founder of Baby Gear Hire and Island Baby Concierge. She is passionate about the gem of an island she calls home and its treasures. When she is not working she can be found with her daughter at any event happening in Barbados or travelling. She knows what it is to be a travelling parent and is quick to share her travel tips and experiences of travelling with a newborn, baby, toddler and pre-schooler. Their travels have taken them to Florida, NewYork, New Jersey, Trinidad and Cuba.
Email: or Contact Number: (246) 826-4327